Please contact the Willis Towers Watson office for additional information or questions.
- Under 65 retirees have five deductible options:
- $1,000 with $35 office visit copay
- $1,500 with $40 office visit copay
- $2,500 with $45 office visit copay
- $3,500 with $50 office visit copay
- $5,000 with $55 office visit copay
- Employee must be an eligible retiree from employer
- As long as the retired employee is covered under the WEBT Retiree Program, most dependents of the retiree covered at the time of the retirement are eligible for coverage through the WEBT Retiree program. However, dependent children may not enroll in a secondary to Medicare policy
- Retiree, spouses and dependents must be enrolled in the group health plan at date of retirement
- The retiree and the spouse will get issued their own policy. Any dependent children will be enrolled in the retiree's policy
- If retiree or eligible spouse is over the age of 65 – then individual must enroll in Medicare Parts A and B
- Retiree has the option to enroll directly in the WEBT Retiree Program upon retirement, or may enroll in COBRA first for 18 months
- WEBT Retiree packet will be mailed to eligible members 3 months prior to COBRA ending
- Application for WEBT retiree coverage must be received within 60 days of loss of eligibility in the participating group program
- In the event that a retired employee cancels his/her coverage with the WEBT Retiree Program:
- The retiree coverage will terminate at 11:59pm on the date of termination, and
- All spouses and dependents under the age of 65 will be removed from coverage
- Once a retiree or dependent has terminated their coverage with the WEBT Retiree Program, they are not eligible to re-enroll
- Under 65 retirees have four deductible options: $1,000 with $35 office copay, $1,500 with $40 office copay, $2,500 with $45 office copay, $3,500 with $50 office copay, and $5,000 with $55 office copay
- Over 65 retirees have a $100 deductible as this policy is secondary to Medicare
- Plan includes prescription drug coverage, so members do not need to enroll in a Medicare Part D plan
- All plans pay 80%/20% to a maximum cost share of $1,500 per individual which includes office copays
- Prescription drug coverage has retail copays of $15 generic/$40 brand/$60 non–listed brand/20% specialty drug cost share and with maximum out of pocket of $1,500 per individual per calendar year
- Any deductible or cost share amounts that are met on the enrollee's active group plan or COBRA plan will transfer to the retiree plan
Optional Products
- Retirees may enroll in optional Delta Dental and VSP vision products even if they are not enrolled in a WEBT Retiree medical policy
Payment of Premiums
- Payment is due the first of the month
- Premiums may be deducted from the retiree's Wyoming Retirement System Pension, ACH deduction or paid via check to WEBT
- Retiree rates change every year effective July 1st
- Retiree renewal packets are mailed to each subscriber in April
- Retirees have the option to change deductibles in May for a July 1st effective date
- Optional dental and vision products may be added in May for a July 1st effective date