WEBT provides you and your eligible dependents with an added medical benefit. Teladoc allows you to talk to a doctor anytime, anywhere by phone or video consult. It's an affordable, convenient option for treating many medical conditions. There's no need to wait for your Teladoc ID card. You can set up your account and request a consult. Please note: This benefit is free for non-HDHP members; HDHP members pay $55 per consult.
Teladoc physicians can only prescribe medications in states where they are licensed. When requesting a Teladoc visit, be sure to select the state where you would pick up a prescription in the event a physician needs to prescribe medication for your medical diagnosis.
To learn more, create an account, print ID cards and request a consult, visit the following link:
Teladoc Flyer
How To Register
Register a Dependent - Mobile App
Register a Dependent - Online