Why settle for rising health care costs when there are smarter options available? If you are interested in a strategic, long term solution, please contact WEBT. Established in 1971, WEBT is a non-profit trust that offers high quality group benefit programs to its members and retirees that adhere to the highest service standards and integrity of the industry.
Through its consultant Willis Towers Watson (WTW), WEBT has been successful in providing all-inclusive personalized services for its employer groups and members for over 50 years that include:
- Member Service and Advocacy
- Employer Collaboration and Assistance on Plan Elections and Designs
- Compliance with, and Training on, Regulatory Requirements
- Online Enrollment Platform at the Employer and/or Employee Level
- Online Invoicing System
- Required IRS Reporting for RxDC, NQTL, Ambulance Services
- Preparation and filing of 1095 data
- Payment of Required PCORI Fees
- Plan Design Options (Medical/Dental/Vision/Life/Teladoc) - currently 9 medical plans, 2 dental plans
- Under and Over Age 65 Retiree Options (separate from group experience)
- Employer Liability Limited to Premium Only